Cash Grab is your chance to win a share of $50,000! You can earn entries by swiping at the kiosk daily from 10am, becoming ...
Now is the time to JOIN, RENEW or EXTEND your membership at easts! Take advantage of our 3 years for only $10 between Thursday 1 A...
Cash Smash is our exclusive promotion where you have the chance to win a share of $3,000 cash every Tuesday from 8pm. With ...
Exchange your points for gift cards and get two for the price of one Monday - Wednesday during the month of October. Swipe at the ...
Join us every Thursday for your chance to WIN a share of $3,000 in CASH! Members can swipe their membership card at the kiosk from...
Charity Housie begins at easts Tuesday 15 October from 10.30am. Proceeds from Charity Housie go to Learning Links to help empower ...
Attention Members, Member Reward Points will expire on Thursday 31 October 2024. Head into easts to use your points on food, bever...
Attention Members, The next Signature Rewards Tier Review will take place on Friday 1 November 2024. To continue to enjoy the bene...